You will find a vast array of utilities here, from communications utilities that help you retrieve the latest source code examples from the Internet, to utilities to help you manage all those files already on your hard drive.
Alias Finder Pro 1.0
Jon Pugh
Apprentice:Utilities:Disk and File:
Alias Finder Pro is a simple program. Drag an alias onto this (or an alias of it) and the original will be opened and selected in the Finder. If you hold down the option key, the Get Info window is opened instead. This means you can have an alias to an app on your desktop and if you need to change the partition size, simply drag it onto Alias Finder Pro, hold down the option key and voila, there you are.
Compact Pro 1.51
Bill Goodman
Apprentice:Utilities:Disk and File:
Compact Pro is a file compression utility which lets you reduce the size of many of the files on your computer. Making files smaller can free up valuable space on your hard drive. It can also reduce the number of floppy disks needed to save backup copies of important files. If you transfer files between computers using modems, you can save time and money by first compressing the files since compressed files usually take significantly less time to transmit. Includes versions for English, French, German, and Japanese.
Shareware $25
DropConversion 1.5.1
Bill Hayden
Apprentice:Utilities:Disk and File:
DropConversion will convert the file types of any files, regardless of whether you drop one or one thousand files onto it. Additionally, it can set the stationery, visible, locked, and namelocked attributes of files. Finally, DropConversion allows you to install a custom 'vers' ID 2 resource in each file. This is the string that people see when they do a Get Info on files from the Finder.
Shareware $8
PictFlipper 1.0b2
Jon Pugh
Apprentice:Utilities:Disk and File:
PictFlipper is a small drag and drop utility which is moderately useful when dealing with PICT files and StartupScreens. It will run under System 6 and 7 with a standard file dialog box if launched without a file. What it does is simple. It turns PICT files into StartupScreens and vice versa.
ShowSizes 2.2.3
Jon Pugh
Apprentice:Utilities:Disk and File:
ShowSizes is a program which adds up the sizes of all your files and displays folders with bar charts on them (along with numbers) which indicate where all your disk space has gone. You can save your disk profiles for later comparison and you can also dump the stats to a tab delimited text file for importing into a spreadsheet or database.
Shareware $20
StuffIt Products
Aladdin Systems
Apprentice:Utilities:Disk and File:
StuffIt is a collection of compression utilities from Aladdin Systems including StuffIt Lite, StuffIt Expander, and DropStuff with Expander Enhancer. You will find that most Mac-related files are either stuffed or compacted, and these utilities will be able to handle them.
TouchFolder 2.0.1
Kevin R. Boyce
Apprentice:Utilities:Disk and File:
TouchFolder updates a folder's modification date to reflect the most recently modified file within it (or in any nested folders in it). Just drag 'n' drop the folder (or folders) you want onto TouchFolder, and presto! (If it's taking too long, type command-period to stop.) It will run in the background, although since it has no windows the only way to bring it back to the foreground is via the application menu.
Public Domain
Icon Gallery Samplers
Component Software
Icon Gallery is possibly the largest commercial collection of Macintosh icons in the entire world (and probably even the galaxy). There are three collections of icons available: Volume 1 (the original series), Volume 2 (folders, documents, and trashes, oh my!), and Volume 3 (weird, wild, wacky, and wonderful). This sampler shows you many icons from each collection.
Iconographically Yours
Paul Celestin
Iconographically Yours is a collection of icons that you can use in whatever way you would like.
Developer VISE 3.5
MindVision Software
Developer VISE is an installer utility with built-in compression. It features very fast decompress and is extremely easy to use. This version creates fully functional installers. To create installers for commercial products, contact the publisher for licensing information.
DragInstall 1.6
Ray Sauers
DragInstall is an installer that is as easy as dragging files and folders from one place to another. This trial version creates installers that will last for only one day. Contact the publisher for licensing information.
InstallerMaker™ 2.0.2
Aladdin Systems
InstallerMaker creates installers using StuffIt compression technology. Contact the publisher for licensing information.
Smaller Installer 1.1.1
Bill Goodman
This is an installer with built-in compression. To create your own installer, you will also need a copy of Compact Pro®. In addition, you may require a resource editor such as ResEdit™ or Resorcerer®.
AppleTalkOn 1.0
Jon Pugh
AppleTalkOn is a companion to the ToggleAT FKEY for PowerBooks (and other machines). It is an appe (background application or application extension) that runs all the time. It snarfs very little CPU time and about 20K of memory. It basically does nothing except at shutdown and launch. At shutdown it records the state of AppleTalk, turns it on and then quits. When it starts back up on the next boot, it turns AppleTalk back off if it was off when it quit and then goes to sleep. Not too tricky but it manages to keep AppleTalk loaded into memory, and that's its major goal.
Shareware $5
CW Colorfix Patch 1.1.6
Chris K. Thomas
CodeWarrior Colorfix Patch fixes several aesthetic defects in CodeWarrior, including a compatibility problem with the Metrowerk's Popup MDEF and Greg's Buttons. Enhancements include a new standard MDEF and replacement color icons for the Project and Locked-disk indicators.
HoverBar 1.2.1
Guy Fullerton
HoverBar is a utility which keeps icons and clipboard data at your fingertips by storing them on bars which float over everything, no matter what program you are using. You can create two types of bars:
Icon Bar - Store the icons of files, folders, and programs for quick access; Clip Bar - A drag & drop clipboard.
Shareware $5
MacErrors 1.2.1
Marty Wachter
MacErrors is a small application that shows you the result code and description for all of the Macintosh system errors. I got tired of looking up errors in a scrolling list DA so I wrote this program. Just type in a valid error ID and press <return> or <enter>. The result code and description will be displayed to you. If you enter an invalid ID, MacErrors will beep at you.
Shareware $5
ProFont 1.1.1
Steve Gilardi
ProFont is a version of Monaco 9 which includes slashed zeros, seriffed ells, etc. It is a good font for programmers. This release fixes a problem with printing the installation instructions. New since the 1.0.3 release are outline versions of ProFont (TrueType and Type 1). Installation instructions are included for System 7.x.x (including 7.5.1) on 68K and Power Macs. ProFont needs an installer! If you can help, please read the enclosed "ProFont info" file.
Randomizer 1.2
Jon Pugh
Randomizer is an INIT that copies a random file from a folder to a file that is used for something. Randomizer does nothing else. Use it to randomize startupscreens or such. Randomizer can be reconfigured using ResEdit.
ScrapIt Pro 4.1
John Holder
ScrapIt Pro is a cool replacement for Apple's Scrapbook. It allows you to archive and retrieve anything you can copy to the clipboard, import or drag & drop; sounds, PICTures, Text, QuickTime™ movies, and lots more.
Shareware $15
Screen Ruler 2.0.1
Jesse Carneiro
Screen Ruler is a great virtual ruler ready to be dragged around on the desktop. It is useful (as any ruler) to measure things on the computer screen in Pixels, Inches, Picas and Centimeters.
Shareware $10
ShareDisk 2.2.2
Alessandro Levi Montalcini
ShareDisk contains dozens of shareware programs, with a total value of over $100. Since you probably won't use them all, you may want to pay separately for the ones you like best. If you want to register the whole package, however, you can do it at a discounted price by sending $25 to the author.
Tim's Widgets 1.2
Tim Herzog
Tim's Widgets is a collection of utility functions which (the author thinks) are very useful, especially for hackers and programmer types. Each by itself does not warrant a full-blown program, so the author placed all these tidbits into one program. Includes Text Translator, Line Counter, Resource to PICT File, PICT File to Resource, and Postal Calculator. All the widgets run native on a PowerMac.
Shareware $20
ToggleAT FKEY 4.0
Jon Pugh
ToggleAT turns AppleTalk on and off with a simple key press. Handy for
PowerBooks. The intent of this FKEY is to be able to avoid going to the Chooser to turn off AppleTalk every time you take your PowerBook on the road since this requires a menu item, a button click, an "Are you sure" dialog, an OK dialog and a close box. Turning it back on requires a menu item, a button click, an OK dialog and a close box. This is almost more trouble than it is worth.
ValueFax 2.0.5
ValueFax is a send and receive fax product. It will work with most Class 1 and Class 2 modems. It will not work with Class 2.0 modems or the Apple Express modem.
BYacc 1.9
Chris Hyde
Apprentice:Utilities:MPW Tools:
BYacc (Berkeley Yacc) is an LALR(1) parser generator for C and C++. This package contains both complete source and 68020 binary of an MPW tool version of the program. Release 1, 95-06-30.
Flex 2.5.2
Chris Hyde
Apprentice:Utilities:MPW Tools:
Flex is a fast lexical analyser generator for C and C++. This package contains complete source and 68020 binary of an MPW tool version of the program and an extensive, fully formatted, manual. Release 1, 95-06-30.
HTMLTool 1.3
Thomas R. Kimpton
Apprentice:Utilities:MPW Tools:
HTML Tool applies HTML formatting commands to the text selected in the active window.
LPW 1.2
Norbert Lindenberg
Apprentice:Utilities:MPW Tools:
LPW (The Literate Programming Workshop) is an environment for the integrated development of program source text and documentation in combined documents. It consists of a WYSIWYG word processor based on a style sheet approach, a mechanism to extract parts of the text in a document, and a project management system that handles multi-document projects. The system is designed to be used in conjunction with MPW: it prepares raw source text for the MPW compilers, accepts MPW error messages, and shows them in the context of the original documents. Automatic indexing and hypertext features allow for easy access to both source text and documentation.
Shareware $50
Patch 2.1
Chris Hyde
Apprentice:Utilities:MPW Tools:
GNU Patch is an MPW tool utility that will read a file created by UNIX or Mac versions of the Diff utility and attempt to apply the file differences stored within to a folder hierarchy of text files. This package contains complete source and 68020 binary of an MPW tool version of the program and a fully formatted manual. Release 1, 95-06-30.
Play Tool 1.0.0
Gregory E. Allen
Apprentice:Utilities:MPW Tools:
Play Tool is an MPW tool which plays sounds. For example, you can have it play a sound alerting you that the build process has completed. Includes source code in MPW C.
sed 2.0.3
Franklin Chen
Apprentice:Utilities:MPW Tools:
sed is a Mac port of GNU sed, a tool for stream editing. Includes source code for the MPW tool in MPW C.
C Reference Card 2.0
Argus Software
C Reference Card was written to provide a quick reference to the ANSI C language. It includes lots of example code, as well as a complete sample Mac application. The program is freeware so you don't have to worry about any shareware fees. C Reference Card uses a minimum of: Desk Space, Disk Space, Memory Space, CPU Time. Since the C Reference Card is a simple application, it is virtually bullet-proof. However, there is no expressed or implied warranty as to the performance of the software.
FatMan 1.0b5
Joe Zobkiw
FatMan allows you to easily create Fat and Safe Fat resources for use on your Power Macintosh or 680x0 Macintosh. FatMan gives you control over your source data and also the target file and resource.
Gooey 1.2
George Cossey
Gooey is a graphical user interface building application. Use it to build frameworks for your applications. Comes with both a 68K and PPC version. The package is not public domain, however it is free for your use and may be freely distributed. It is still copyrighted and may not be sold. All the source code and resources generated from this program belong to the user.
Mac F2C 1.2.1
Igor Mikolic-Torreira
Mac F2C is a Macintosh port of f2c, the unix FORTRAN-to-C compiler
developed by AT&T. The C code produced by Mac F2C is identical to that
produced by the unix version. The C code may be ugly, but it works. Mac F2C is a useful tool for anyone who has a C compiler and needs to run an occasional FORTRAN program. Mac F2C is perfect for translating FORTRAN subroutines so that you can use them in C programs. Mac F2C is not a substitute for a real FORTRAN compiler because you still need a C compiler to compile and run the translated code.
ObiWan 5.0.1
Peter Lewis
ObiWan is a general help system. You can create several databases and ObiWan will let you rapidly find information from them. It displays the information by popping up a floating window so the information can be displayed at any time in any program. Portions of the information can then be sent to the front window as if you had typed it. The main use of all this is to access the programming database created from Apple's PInterfacesHelp file and many other sources, which includes the procedures, traps, global variables and errors available up to System 7. Also included is a word list and Perl help database. ObiWan requires System 7.1 (for the Text Services Manager).
ScriptServer 1.0a4
Jon Pugh
ScriptServer is a Shareware AppleScript OSA build program. It compiles, it decompiles, it executes and it returns results. What more could you want? ScriptServer is NOT an editor. It can be used from other editors though. Notably, the MPW Shell. This way you can edit scripts that are larger than 30,000 characters and use search and replace.
Shareware $10 for individuals, $20 per copy for companies using it in a commercial or in-house project.
Snippets 1.0
Argus Software
Snippets was written to provide a quick reference to your favorite functions. It's a text viewer only so you don't have to worry about accidentally over-writing your polished routines. Snippets comes pre-loaded with the Argus Function Libraries, but you can add to or modify Snippets using any resource editor. The program is freeware so you don't have to worry about any shareware fees. Since Snippets is a simple application, it is virtually bullet-proof. However, there is no expressed or implied warranty as to the performance of the software.
Voodoo Lite 1.6
Christoph Reichenberger
Voodoo Lite is a version control tool for managing projects in which files are created in numerous versions.
Shareware $30
SoundEffects 0.9.2
Alberto Ricci
SoundEffects is a powerful sound editor. Its strength resides in the capability of applying many digital effects to recorded sounds, and since the effects are plug-in modules, you can enhance the program at any time by just adding any new modules as they become available. Not only can SoundEffects change sounds in many ways through its variety of effects, but it can also handle multi-channel sounds, sampled at any rate up to 64kHz and with any sample size between 1 and 32 bits.
Shareware $15
DOCMaker 4.1.1
Mark S. Wall
DOCMaker is an application which creates standalone self-running document files. It features scrollable and resizable windows, graphics, varied text styles and fonts, and full printing capability. The standalone files are self-executing applications which you may distribute to others to read and print.
Shareware $25
Easy Convert 3.2
Akif Eyler
Easy Convert is a small application for character conversion in texts. Since it does the conversion on the target itself, it works very fast.
Easy View 2.62
Akif Eyler
Easy View is a viewer utility that supports setext, which is a plain text formatting system.
eDOC 1.1
Michel Touchot
eDOC is an application which you can use to create documentation for your applications. It can create standalone self-running applications, or you can create documents which require the included eDOC reader.